13.56 MHz ISO thick photo imageable MIFARE DESFire EV1 smart card
Multi-technology smart cards
Available with HID Proximity magnetic stripe, contact smart chip, PVC or composite card body
Smart card upgrade tag for mag stripe & barium ferrite cards
Smart card for multiple applications
Durable and portable device for key ring and lanyard applications
Provides the memory structure and capacity to store multiple applications on a single smart card
Dual technology solution to address card deployment
Dual technology solution for multi-application card deployments
Ultra high frequency solution for parking and gate control
Secure dual-technology UHF credentials for parking, gate and other applications
Provides versatile interoperability and supports multiple applications
Ideal for ICLASS SE installations in harsh environments and can be used for a range of diverse applications
Based on open global standards for security
Migration card solutions with iCLASS & LEGIC
Multi-technology migration solutions with high frequency (MIFARE DESFire, LEGIC) & 125 KHz Proximity
Dual high-frequency migration card with MIFARE DESFire™ EV1 & LEGIC